Mission-driven communications, marketing, and fundraising for nonprofits, social enterprises, and businesses bent on doing good.
While you certainly don’t lack passion, you likely lack time. Collaborate with me for a sustainable approach to maximizing positive impact:
Build a strategy to create and maintain a beautiful brand primed for positive change.
Engage your community to raise funds, drive sales, and/or encourage collective action.
Target the right audiences for greater brand engagement and loyalty.
Grant Writing / Copywriting, Editing, Proofreading / Donor Communications / Strategic Storytelling / Persuasive Message Architecture / Case Statement Development / Digital Presentations / Annual + Impact Reports
Campaign Planning / Campaign Launch / Donor Acquisition + Retainment / Event Planning + Consultation / Monthly Giving Programs
Brand + Message Refinement / Email Marketing / Email Sequencing + Automation / Social Media Strategy / Marketing Collateral / Marketing Plans
Brand Identity Design / Art Direction / Design Consultation / Stationery Systems / Package Design
Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy / Brand Strategy / Content Strategy / Business Planning / Customer Discovery / Digital Assessment / Research + Development
Examples of Good Work for Compelling Causes

I believe doing good is good for business.
I’m proud to work with clients that are good for people and good for the planet:
Kind Words from Changemakers: